
"Your Income is My Business."

Beast Industries LLC is a professional BDSM practice that specializes in binding contracts and payment collections.

Clients surrender a percentage of their income over a predetermined term, with varying degrees of enforcement.

BDSM Debt Contracts

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a BDSM Debt Contract?

Within the realm of BDSM and Financial Domination in particular, there are a number of specific fetishes related to debt and indebtedness. The term "Debt Contract" is used in a generic sense to refer to any number of different types of agreements that attempt to formalize a debt relationship between a provider and a client.

"Debt Contract" is not a legal term, and without context, it's largely meaningless. The overreaching goal of Beast Industries is to create Debt Contracts that satisfy the needs and requirements of my client base, while using standard and customary business practices, to bring this fantasy into the real world.

Those who have trouble understanding how this could be accomplished, should consider how challenging it can be to cancel a gym membership or to stop payments on a car note-- particularly if the installments are being directly debited from a bank account.

My extensive background in education administration and business administration allow me to implement my Contracts using the same financial instruments customarily used by other legitimate businesses. Clients authorize Beast Industries to manually charge their credit or debit card or checking account, and do not have the ability to cancel.

Client payments appear on their bank statement as professional services rendered by "BFI PMT LLC," and the end-of-year statements they receive are transparent and discreet enough that they can be given to an accountant or other financial advisor. My business activities are so professional and transparent, that even my own bank is aware of my activities.

The core challenge in constructing a BDSM Debt Contract that fits within these guidelines is to clearly define the "Valuable Consideration" in the Contract. There are a number of different methods of accomplishing that: 

Contracts with Beast Industries use either the Purchase Agreement method or Service Agreement method, depending on the Security Level and Variant.

How do the different programs at Beast Industries work?

Beast Industries offers eleven (11) Contract Security Levels, seven (7) of which are available to new clients.

Note that higher levels offer higher SECURITY-- the actual Contract Purchase Price is based on the client's gross income and their desired Engagement Level, which is what determines how much relative time and attention their account receives.

Note that Unsecured Contracts (Levels 1-3) are only available as Quick Setup Debt Contracts®. 

Standard Contracting System is for Secured Contracts (Levels 4-11) only.

Levels 8-11

Which Program is best?

The best Contract Security Level for a client is the one that matches their experience and their desired type of engagement. There is no right or wrong answer, and any one level isn't better than another. That being said, there are some general considerations:

Program Selection Flowchart

Why do applicants have to provide personal information?

It is not possible to create a legal contract without at least a legal name and minimal contact information. This means that my own legal name and mailing address appear on the documents as well.

One of the primary differences between the Contract Levels is the amount of personal information required of the applicant. 

Regardless of the Security Level, the privacy of my clients is my top priority. All electronic information is stored encrypted and secure. No information is released without the express written consent of the client. 

The Confidentiality Agreements that are included in all Contract Levels apply to both parties. I am bound by the same terms as my clients. Applicants who are curious may preview and sign a generic version in advance here. The general terms of the Confidentiality Agreements are always similar, however the scope of information covered and the penalties for violating it increase with each Contract Security Level.

Program Selection Tool

Deciding which program to apply for can be a challenge, but the Program Selection tool makes it simple.

Depending on responses, a recommendation for a Contract Security Level will be given.

How do you protect client privacy?

The privacy and safety of my clients is my primary concern.

Payments appear on bank statements as a payment to "BFI PMT LLC." Client payment history is kept confidential, and will not be reported to any third party without express written consent.

Secured clients who default on their Service Contract will have their activity reported to a debt collection agency. Depending on the type of Service Contract, a third party debt collector may be involved-- communication with these providers is transparent, but discreet. They are aware that I am a BDSM services provider, but account statements will only reference, "Professional Services."

Bonded clients have supplied securing information for third parties who can be contacted in the case of a default. Information is released to these parties exactly as outlined in the contract.

Service Contract fee payments are reported to the IRS as income for my business. Verified, Secured & VIP Clients receive annual statements of activity for tax purposes. Clients who exceed certain limits are required to complete and submit IRS Form W-9 before continuing service.

Aside from information explicitly stated in their Service Contract, no other information about clients or their activities will be released to a third party without their consent.

Is this all above board?


My commitment to strong business ethics is one of the primary reasons that my clients choose me as a provider.

Individuals with financial or legal questions should contact

What is your legal business structure?

Beast Industries and BFI PMT are registered as Limited Liability Companies with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions. 

The actual transaction that takes place between provider and client is for the sale of intellectual property. Clients own the legal rights to all of their records and the Contract itself. For example, if the story of their relationship were made into a book--then the client would own the exclusive rights to that book.

The actual "debt" that is created for each client is produced through an Intellectual Property Transfer Agreement attached to a standard Installment Payment Agreement. With the exception of the Debt Builder program, any attempts to collect on this debt are made directly by Beast Industries. This does not meet any legal definition of a "Debt Collection Agency." 

The services and products offered by Beast Industries in no way constitute any type of Regulated Financial Service. For all legal intents and purposes, clients are purchasing the exclusive rights to artwork and paying on installment plans. All further interactions are at the private individual discretion of client and provider.

What is the process?

Client Service:

Can clients remain anonymous?

If the parties who signed it can't be identified, how could a contract possibly be enforced?

Applicants provide their full name and billing address during the First (1) Step, which is the minimal amount of information required to process the $1.00 identity verification payment. During the Second (2) Step, applicants provide their income and other information depending on their selected Contract Security Level.

The mission of Beast.Industries Ltd. Co. is to take the fantasy of its client base, and make it into reality. Remaining anonymous would void any contractual arrangement, and would be contrary to this mission. Applicants who wish to enjoy the fantasy of BDSM Debt Contracts without real-world consequences should seek out a different provider.

Is my data safe?


The safety and security of my clients is my primary concern, and that includes closely guarding their personal information that I collect.

My client management system, The BEAST™ is built in Zoho Creator, which is a development interface that has a strong focus on security and reliability. Client records are all stored in a connected encrypted cloud database, that is HIPAA compliant and is backed up regularly to a physical server in my office.

Client payment information is stored separately as manual authorizations in Zoho Sign. After the initial authorization, a paper copy is maintained in my filing cabinet, and is later used to manually key the payments into the merchant terminal. This means that payments are never actually handled through my website. Instead, the information gets read straight from a physical piece of paper in my hand and manually keyed into the terminal by me, not by a computer. This is a highly secure method of transmitting and storing payment information, as it is immune to the majority of the common methods of client identity theft from merchants. (In other words, if a hacker managed to break into one of my servers, there's no payment information there to steal.)

Contract Application forms and other sections on the website that allow clients to submit sensitive information all require email authentication before proceeding. The entered information is processed by The BEAST™ and securely added to the encrypted client file.

Except for the final signature step that is completed in Zoho Sign, and the Identity Verification Payment that is completed in SquareUp, any time that an applicant or client is entering any sensitive information, the URL should always be at the domain BFI.FInancial or Beast.Industries. Examples: Apply.Beast.Industries/XXX,  Forms.Beast.Industries/XXX or Sign.Bfi.Financial/XXX.

To see a preview of how a Contract is signed and payment information is collected, visit Sign.Beast.Industries.

Why was the application rejected?

Less then 10% of applicants will pass the full screening process and sign a Debt Contract. Most are rejected for not following instructions.

The best way to get accepted is to thoroughly read this Frequently Asked Questions page, explore the rest of the website including the Contract Portal and Payment Portal, and ask questions BEFORE applying. While there is a large amount of information available on the website, specific facts are intentionally vague or omitted. A prospective client who has thoroughly read through these materials should have a good idea of which program is the best fit AND should have at least a few clarifying questions.

It is common for applicants to wait until AFTER the process has started to first ask questions. Asking questions between steps is encouraged, however note that applicants are frequently rejected at this point. Asking questions that show that the applicant has started the contracting process without understanding even the basic concepts of the program will cause a 120-day ban.

How do payments work?

The majority of my VIP clients prefer to make payments with cash at pickup time using the provided envelopes. In some cases, they may instead pay with check or money order. They may also use a credit or debit card in person at pickup time.

Regardless of how transactions are made, they are applied to client accounts the same way. Secured and VIP clients receive quarterly account statements for tax purposes, and all registered clients receive annual statements.

Despite my openness and eagerness to follow regulations, it is a constant challenge to maintain partnerships with banking institutions. I work under the assumption that any one of these systems could go offline at any time. To prepare for this, I operate multiple redundant systems and can switch from one to the other rather quickly.

I choose to only partner with vendors where I have a dedicated contact person who is aware of the sensitive nature of my business. Each of the vendors mentioned below has my business because they treat me with respect. I highly recommend each of them.

How are client bank accounts charged?

Card and bank charges will show up as a payment for Professional Services to BFI PMT LLC through Square,, WePay by JPMorgan Chase or Summit Credit Union.

The method for charging cards depends on the Contract Security Level.

What is the BFI Property ID?

The BFI Property ID is used to identify and address clients. It's a four of five digit number that will always begin with a pound (#) sign, and is one of the pieces of information that is used to authenticate clients when submitting sensitive information. In order for any client information to be submitted properly, the verified email address used to access the form, phone number, BFI ID and DOB and/or security questions of the client must all match.

The ID is assigned the first time that a prospective client completes the First Step (1) Contract Application Request, regardless of whether or not the request is accepted. Applicants who are rejected or withdraw and wish to apply again, must use the BFI Property ID that was assigned during the first attempt.

There are certain limited circumstances where a service that requires a BFI Property ID is open to guests, such as when requesting printed documents or using the Virtual ATM. In these cases, the guest is forwarded to a form to request an ID.

What is the Contract/Document ID?

Each individual Contract and any riders or subsequent updates are assigned an identification number that begins with the client's BFI Property ID. This number is primarily used internally, but is required for clients in order to submit Installment Payment Artifacts or make unscheduled updates. Depending on the type of Contract, this number may or may not be listed on the execution page. 

For new clients, the number is not assigned until after the Contract is executed, so it is NOT listed. New clients who are attempting to use a service that requires entering a Contract or Document ID should ask for it using one of the available contact channels. For the most part, new clients will not need to know this number until they are ready to request their first update. This means that for new clients, the first step in requesting any updates or changes is to ask for their Contract ID. 

Note that while the Contract ID number follows a simple sequential format, clients who do not know it should not assume. An incorrectly entered Contract ID will cause any information to be rejected, which for clients above level four, would involve a fine.

What do the Contract documents contain?

Each Debt Contract is composed of multiple individually executed Agreements, which are built on the standard transaction templates provided by the US Securities and Exchange Commission's public database


Is there an application fee?


Applicants who do not have any payment history with BFI PMT LLC / Beast Industries complete a $1.00 verification transaction as part of the form to request an application. There is no other fee to apply.

Applicants will receive a payment portal link when they receive their contract for signing. It comes either in the same email or a separate email, depending on the type of contract. 

Non-Bonded clients make the first of their recurring payments at the time of application.

What is the paperwork like?

That depends.

The amount and type of paperwork depends on the contract level and the needs of the client. This is why contracts are not simply available on the website to freely download and fill-in. Each Contract is built around a specific client.

After the initial application is received, the necessary documents are assembled, and the contract is sent as one file with an eSignature request. This signature process is simple and secure, and the same one used for my financial services business. In fact, clients may notice that my full name and business name are listed as the account owner in some places during the signature process.

Is it permitted to hear what a client has to say about your programs?


Many clients share their experiences on social media, and that is the best place to hear what they have to say.

Due to the wide variety of interests, it is not possible to list general testimonials on the website. Applicants or current clients who'd like to hear about a specific program may ask for examples through one of the available contact channels.

For privacy and safety reasons, Beast Industries will never share contact information between clients and/or prospective clients. However, many clients and fans connect with each other on social media and share their experiences, both publicly and privately.

Can you create a contract to bind two third parties?

Probably not.

My Contract Intermediary Service is built exactly for this, however a close working relationship with the other provider is required, so it is not practical in most cases.

How is the contract signed?

Contracts  are transmitted and signed using an eSignature system. After signing, clients receive a digitally signed copy that is the legal equivalent of a signed paper copy. The system is HIPAA compliant and publishes a record of the signature to a public blockchain for verification. Documents are stored encrypted with a secured paper backup. 

For the best experience on a mobile phone, download the Zoho SIgn App:

eSignature App for Apple


eSignature App for Android


Contract Sample


What's the, "Engagement Level?"

Within each Service Contract Level, clients are rated on their "Engagement Level."

Clients requests a specific income surrender rate on their application, which is a percentage of their gross income.

A client that chooses to surrender their maximum amount would be rated at 100% Engagement, whereas a client that chooses to surrender half of their maximum amount would be rated at 50% engagement, and so forth.

Clients may apply to increase their Engagement Level at any time during the execution of their Service Contract. 

Clients are required to report a reduction of income within 30 days of the effective change, which will cause their regular surrender amount to be summarily reduced.

What's the purpose of the Engagement Level?

It's how I spread my time fairly between my clients. 

Accounts with a higher Engagement Level receive more attention-- exactly what that entails depends on the unique needs of each client. For some, it means that we have a high level of direct communication. For others it means that I spend extra time customizing programs or making changes to existing Contracts.

Paradoxically, clients with a higher Engagement Level tend to desire LESS direct communication. Most of my highest engaged clients are in "Passive Income Generation" mode. In these cases, much of my engagement time with them is spent customizing their experience.

Often when I make customizations, I roll them out as new programs or additions to existing programs. In fact, all of the programs above Level 4 were originally designed to meet the needs of a specific client.

Engagement Calculator

What happens when a client defaults?


What happens if a client can't afford payments?

One of the purposes of the thorough screening process is to ensure that clients CAN afford the specific program selection, so failed payments are not common. That being said, things change, and some clients are no longer be able to afford to fulfill their obligations, and payments will begin to fail.

Note that simply not being able to "afford" Installment Payments will not release a client from its obligations. The actions taken by Beast.Industries Ltd. Co. in response to defaulted accounts depend on the selected Contract Security Level. Outside of a reduction or loss of income, executed Contracts are never cancelled, and the debt incurred by the client will be pursued until paid.

Do you really send client accounts to collections?


My Secured Contract Class was created specifically for those clients who want a solid, real-world way to secure their debt with follow through. The Debt Builder Rider takes this one step further by including a third party collections and credit reporting agency.

Defaulted accounts on Secured, Bonded and VIP contracts are handled by my in-house collections program. I network with providers in a number of areas to make contact using traditional collection methods (phone, mailings, in-person for VIP, etc). Handling collections myself means that I am exempt from a number of regulations that limit the activities of third party collections agencies.

For contracts with a Debt Builder rider, a third party collection agency is utilized. This may have a negative impact on the client's credit score. In order to prevent the misuse of third party agencies, only accounts that have met certain specific conditions are eligible for third party collections.

The majority of clients with accounts sent to a third party agency eventually settle the account. These clients are welcome to engage in Service Contracts in the future, although their collections attempts will be limited to my in-house service.

I run my business in strict accordance with the law and with strong ethical standards. The misuse of third party agencies by clients is not tolerated, and will end our relationship. No exceptions are made.

What happens if a client disputes a transaction?

One of the reasons that I keep such meticulous records is to aid in the case of a disputed transaction. If a transaction dispute is initiated by a client, the financial institution will contact me to request records. At that time I will provide them with a full copy of the Contract and the client's prior payment history, which would include any submitted artifacts.

How do you handle currency conversions?

Most application and update forms* allow clients to enter information using either their local currency or US dollars.

The currency conversion rate from the date of the application review is used for determining the dollar amount for installment payments for the remainder of the Contract Term, even when changes are made, unless an Income Update is requested by the client.

Installment payments are always posted by BFI PMT LLC in US Dollars. The currency conversion back to local currency on the actual payment date is determined by the issuing bank of the client's card. There may be nominal differences between individual installment payment amounts due to fluctuations in this rate.

*Certain forms are only available for entry in US Dollars. These include Quick Setup Debt Contracts®, Expedited Contracts, specials like the Black Friday Special and printed document requests.

What is a “Graduated” Bonded Contract?

Level 5 - Graduated Bonded Contracts are for clients who do not yet have enough Artifacts on file to begin a Fully Bonded Contract, or who want to ease their way into it. New clients on Bonded Contracts begin at Security Level 5.A - with weekly Artifact requirement, 5.D - without weekly Artifact requirement or 5.7 - Bonded with Debt Builder Rider.

Regardless of which variant is selected, all Graduated Bonded clients are required to produce one of each of the following six types of Preliminary Loading Artifact during their initial 12-month Contract term:

Once the client has submitted all six Preliminary Loading Artifacts, the Contract will automatically convert to Level 9 - Fully Bonded. All artifacts will be carried over to future Contracts. 

If the client does not satisfy the Artifact requirements before the end of the term, the Artifacts will be destroyed.

Who can be selected as a Bonder?

Bonded Clients must select three (3) of the following Bonder types:

What is the "Debt Builder" Rider?

It's what brings the "Daddy Debt Collector" to Beast Industries.

The Debt Builder program is an option that may be added to Secured Contracts that increases the total amount due.

As each Contract Installment Payment is made, the client is charged an administrative fee, which is held in a separate secured debt account until the Debt Maturity Date. New clients are assigned a Debt Building Ratio of 100%, which means that for every dollar that is paid on their Contract, their secured debt account grows by one dollar as well.

This additional secured debt matures on the date of their final Contract Installment Payment. For the 90 day period after the debt maturity date, Beast Industries is authorized to use any available payment methods on file to collect the funds, and will make aggressive collection attempts until the account is paid in full. There is no set schedule, although clients should generally expect to have payments drafted in three or more installments during that three month period. An example payment schedule is included in the Contract Signature Packet.

Any remaining balance after the repayment period is sent to a third party collections agency, which may negatively impact credit. Clients are prohibited from communicating with Beast Industries while third party collections are in progress.

How do we stay in touch?

Clients who haven't missed any payments on their current Service Contract term are in the "Perfect Record Club," and have access to chat with me directly on Telegram, X/Twitter, SMS, Google Chat and scheduled video chat. I do have a busy schedule, but I always try to get back to my clients by the next business day. Whenever possible, I let my most highly engaged clients know when I will be unavailable for any extended period of time.

Once a client misses a scheduled payment, they are placed in the "Collections Club," and are muted on all communication platforms for the remainder of their Contract term. They will be contacted only to discuss payments and contract terms. To reach my attention, they may make a one-time payment with a comment added to it. Some of my clients chose to spend the majority of their Service Contracts in the Collections Club, and I make sure that they receive the same amount of individualized attention as everyone else.

My preferred method for handling administrative logistics is to have clients complete online forms. This adds some additional work at the front end, but ensures that my records are streamlined and I am able to focus my attention on my clients. I appreciate their patience in helping me keep my business organized.

Level 4-7 clients have access to a Gmail account at either or They can log in at or, respectively. Current clients who do not have an email address can request one here.

Can clients change the payment schedule?


The payment schedule is fixed once the Contract is signed.

Clients may, however, decide how to make any future Engagement Level update payments. So a client with a Service Contract with monthly payments could make an adjustment and pay for that difference on a separate weekly schedule. The Engagement Level Update Tool simplifies this process.

Clients who make significant increases to their Engagement Level may be offered the courtesy of adjusting or consolidating their payment schedules.

How do you handle language barriers and translations?

Nearly half of the clients of Beast Industries speak a mother tongue other than English.

Beast Industries believes strongly in always making introductions and “handshakes” in a person’s native language, to the best of our abilities. To this end, the first step in the contracting process is available in the most common preferred languages of the clients of Beast Industries, English, French, German, Spanish and Arabic.

The majority of the form is translated dynamically using Google Translate, but certain important sections and headers have been translated with the support of native speakers of that language. While this method of translating by primarily automated means is not perfect and has many flaws, it works well enough to be a significant help to many clients.

These dynamically translated forms are accessible even when the Public Contract Portal is closed. In other words, the opening and closing dates only apply to monolinguals.

Please note that the Contracts themselves and the second step Applications are currently available only in English.

Prospective clients frequently report that the dynamically generated version of this FAQ page using Google Translate is reliable and helpful.

Is there a way to ask anonymous questions?


Ask Me Anything Anonymously and if it's a good question, I'll respond with a public post on X/Twitter.

What's the timeline?

Why does it take so long to get contracted?

Because it's in the best interests of myself and my clients.

The Application forms automatically assign a waiting period based on a number of factors. Clients who wish to complete the process as quickly as possible should answer all questions carefully, so as not to be penalized with an extended waiting period. Applicants who follow instructions and answer questions carefully can complete the standard Secured Contracting process in as little as 10 days. Applicants who provide unsatisfactory answers may be assigned an extended waiting period of up to 90 days.

When exactly does a prospective client become a "client?"

When the Contract is fully executed.

Prospective clients are assigned different labels through the contracting process, depending on their progress:

 What are your office hours?

Do you have a public wishlist?


While a large number of my clients come from a market where that sort of thing is common, it doesn't fit within the operational model of Beast.Industries.

That being said, there are occasionally gift giving opportunities offered during special occasions. The best way to learn about those is to follow Beast Industries on X/Twitter.

If an applicant declines to sign the contract, can they reapply in the future?


A waiting period is assigned based on how much of the application process was completed. Either 30, 60, 90 or 120 days, and second-time applicants are given no leeway for making mistakes in the process.

What happens at the end of the Contract Term?

That depends on the Contract Security Level.

Approximately 60 days before the termination of their Service Contract, clients are notified of their options for moving forward:

Clients whose terms lapses will be required to wait 120-180 days before reapplying.

Are your programs available internationally?


Over half of our clients reside outside of the United States. 

Clients report no specific payment issues related to their their location of residence. The only limitation is that Bank Draft (ACH) is only available to US residents. All other programs and services are available internationally.

How do you enforce debts that are incurred by clients who live outside of the US?

There are three ways that Beast Industries ensures collections internationally:

What is expected of clients?

The best clients:

Do you offer a chastity keyholder service?


I choose to focus on one area where I believe that my particular skill set it most useful.

This is one of the situations where I refer clients to another provider. In this case, For an online keyholder service, I recommend Alpha Dog Scout at

Do you want to hear a suggestion?


One thing I'm terrible at is following instructions.

Unsolicited advice, no matter how well meaning, is most unwelcome.

Can we talk about this?


Prospective clients may schedule a video appointment with Beast Daddy Debt Collector to ask questions about the Contracting process. Consultation fee applies. For details and to book an appointment, visit the Scheduling Portal.

An account is blocked on Twitter. Do you have an unblock fee?


You may complete an Unblock Request.

Be warned that the charge is a bit steep, and you must be able to explain the reason why you were blocked.

What is BFI PMT LLC?

BFI PMT LLC is the legal Owner and Agent of Record of Beast Industries Inc DBA Beast Daddy Debt Collector. This simple addition of a "business within a business" provides an extra layer of privacy for my clients and myself. All payment transactions are charged through BFI PMT LLC. This is also the business name I use when dealing with financial institutions and other vendors such as my local bank

"BFI" stands for "Boring Facilitation of Information," because I take care of all the boring important details that everyone else ignores. The name is intended to sound unremarkable and forgettable, such that clients won't be apprehensive for it to show up on a bank statement. 

When searching the web for BFI PMT LLC, the first results lead to www.BFI.Financial, which is a contact info page that is discreet enough to share with a financial institution.

Are you willing to consider special requests?


Special requests are only considered when made by contracted clients. And even then, only clients who are highly engaged are taken seriously.

If a client wants to be "forced" to sign a contract, will you do that?


Beast Industries specializes in providing contractual relationships that are practical and legally sound, and that fit within reasonable and customary business practices.

A contract that was signed under duress would be void and would be legally unenforceable. 

Are you a real Debt Collector?

Yes and no.

Yes, my clients are legally indebted to me, and my business will pursue them until that debt is paid in full.

But no, Beast Industries is not a Debt Collection Agency by definition, nor is it any other sort of Regulated Financial Service. A Debt Collection Agency offers collection services ON BEHALF of another individual or business. My clients are both indebted to, and pursued directly by, Beast Industries. This gives me the ability to aggressively pursue accounts until they are paid in full, as any other legitimate business might do.

BFI PMT LLC does offer a limited number of third-party management services for select providers, but those are unrelated to the specific activities of Beast Industries, and they do not fall within the definition of Regulated Financial Services.

Beast Daddy Debt Collector is a fictional character that is played by Mr. Paul Newton, who is in fact a very real person, who pursues his clients until their very real debts are paid.

Are you a sex worker?

Yes and no.

Yes, I label myself as a sex worker when engaging in discussions about business. And I do very much believe that to be true.

But no, from a legal standpoint, Beast Industries is not a sex work business and does not distribute sexually explicit content. When clients engage in a Debt Contract with Beast Industries, they are purchasing the document itself, using a legal intellectual property transfer agreement.

For all legal and practical purposes, clients are purchasing a work of erotic art on an aggressively enforced installment plan. While clients may receive sexual gratification from the purchase process and from the artwork itself, there is no sexually explicit content that would require compliance with U.S. Code § 2257.

Wait... So what exactly do you do?

My clients have interest in a number of different fetishes under the umbrella of "Financial Domination." They come from many different backgrounds and they vary in sexual preference and orientation, but one general trait they share is a desire to be inescapably in debt to a businessman. Beast Industries allows them to explore those desires in a way that is safe, secure, legally binding and very real.

If you've made it through my entire Frequently Asked Questions page and nothing here speaks to you, then you probably don't fall within that target audience, and I am not capable of explaining further. There is nothing wrong with that, as these programs are tailored to a highly specific demographic. MOST individuals who come to this page don't fall within that target. 

Even those who do fit are probably still not fully clear exactly what Beast Industries does. That's because the experience is unique for each client. While Beast Industries maintains control, it is the client's needs and preferences that choose the direction and the destination.

What's next?

Open the Public Contract Portal to learn about requesting an application.