Parts of a Beast.Industries Contract

Overview and Summary

Each Debt Contract is composed of multiple individually executed Agreements, which are built on the standard transaction templates provided by the US Securities and Exchange Commission's public database.Β 

πŸ—Ž - Definitions

πŸ—Ž - Contract Summary and Certifications

Valuable Consideration

In order for any Contract to be legally binding, it must clearly define the "Valuable Consideration," or the actual THING that is being bought and sold. The type of Valuable Consideration varies greatly between Contract Security Levels and Variants.

πŸ—Ž - Artifact Purchase Agreement

Source Material: Intellectual Property Transfer Agreement

πŸ—Ž - Artifact Purchase Amendment Agreement

Source Material: Purchase Agreement

πŸ—Ž - Service Contract Agreement

Source Material: Professional Services Agreement

πŸ—Ž - Debt Builder Rider

Source Material: Management Fee Agreement

πŸ—Ž - Account Service Agreement

Source Material:Β  Master Service Agreement

πŸ—Ž - Administrative Fees Schedule

Source Material: Services Frame Agreement

πŸ—Ž - VIP Services Agreement and Individualized Security Plan

Source Material: Master Agreement for Patrol and Guard Services

πŸ—Ž - Debt Building Service Agreement

Source Material: Management and Operations Agreement

Installment Payment Agreements

The Installment Payment Agreements determine the schedule and timeline of payments. They are only included in Contracts on the "Artifact Debt Chassis," where the client is paying for intellectual property. They are not included in Contracts on the "Service Debt Chassis" where clients are instead paying for a service.

πŸ—Ž - Artifact Installment Payment Agreement

Source Material: Installment Payment Agreement

πŸ—Ž - Debt Builder Installment Payment Agreement

Source Material: Same as Artifact Installment Payment Agreement

πŸ—Ž - Bonded Installment Payment Agreement

Source Material: Same as Artifact Installment Payment Agreement

Contract Security

These stand-alone agreements protect BOTH parties throughout the duration of the relationship, and do not simply end when the Contract terminates.

πŸ—Ž - Confidentiality Agreement

Source Material: Confidentiality Agreement

πŸ—Ž - Arbitration Agreement

Source Material: Arbitration Agreement

πŸ—Ž - Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement

Source Material: Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement

πŸ—Ž - Renewal Agreement

Source Material: Services Frame Agreement

Payment Information

Secured Contracts include payment details in the signature packet, so that on signing day, clients only have one single step and one single packet to execute. Unsecured Contracts do not include payment information in the packet.

πŸ—Ž - Manual Card Authorization

Source Material: Credit Card Payment Form

πŸ—Ž - Bank Draft Authorization

Source Material:Β  ACH Payment Voucher